Principles and Statement to Governments on Disabled People and the impact of Pandemic of COVID-19 Coronavirus

The following principles and statement to Governments were agreed by the CDPF Executive Committee 30th March 2020 and provided to help ensure disabled people throughout the Commonwealth are not disadvantaged and have their needs met. Principles Preamble: Human Rights are…

Declaration of relaunch conference, 13th June 2019

Declaration from the newly re-launched Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum We, the delegates of 27 Commonwealth Countries, being representative Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs), attending the re-launch of the Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum, applaud the adoption of a constitution, work programme and…

Stream: Commonwealth side meeting at Conference of State Parties

Direct link Developing a Unified Voice for Implementation of Disability Rights for DPOs and Persons with Disabilities Across the 53 Commonwealth Countries (COSP12 Side Event) 12 Jun 2019 The Commonwealth promotes democracy and equality across its 53 member countries with…